Business directory listings and citations are as important in 2018 as they were years ago. They are easy to implement and can add significant weight to your online reputation. They also make it possible for users to find your business and relevant contact details like name, address, and phone number data. Make sure you are fully utilizing this valuable SEO asset.

Online Directory Listings & Citation Management


Why Should You Care About Directory Listings & Citations?

Internet users have more ways to search than ever before. Many people rely on convenient tools like “Near Me Search” and voice search functions. When using these services, a search engine will reference data from your citations and directory listings. If you are absent or hard to find, then you won’t be shown in the search results or may not appear where you are most likely to attract a new customer.

Recent MOZ Local Search Ranking Factors places citations at number 4 among Local Pack Results and number 5 on the Localized Organic Ranking list. A BrightLocal study also revealed that citation building was the top tactic used to grow backlinks by local SEOs.


What Can Business Directory Listings & Citations Do for You?

Local citations and directory listings should be a high priority for business owners using online marketing. They make your company visible to internet users in your area. More high-quality listings will increase your chances of being found through basic searches and location or industry-specific sites.

These methods differ from traditional backlinks. With a backlink, you have to have an actual link to your web page. With listings and citations, you do not need a URL to get the same benefit. Both are used to confirm that you are a legitimate operation.

High ranking on search results pages can translate into enormous growth for any business. Getting on top isn’t easy, but it is where you are more likely to be discovered. Ranking high depends heavily on the search engine’s ability to confirm your information and place your business in the correct category.


Are You Still Lacking a High-Traffic Website or Blog?

If you do not have a solid online presence established yet, then Google will rely on information gathered elsewhere. Using review monitoring, listing management, and business optimization are essential if you want to expand your reach throughout your local market.

To get started, work on accumulating positive ratings and interact with customers on rating and review websites. Make sure your citations are accurate and add business listings to association and chamber of commerce pages. This will help you build a positive reputation that search engines will trust when generating results pages.


Use Citations & Business Directory Listings as Virtual Business Cards

Any company that serves local customers should care about their local search results ranking. Your business listings are the platform that your digital marketing campaign is built upon. Inaccurate or inconsistent information can cost you your reputation, which means your other online marketing efforts will likely fail. To be properly indexed, you must make sure four key criteria are listed and up to date, including:

  • DBA (business name)
  • Local phone number
  • Physical street address

Search engines will compare your information across the web, which means that if some listings are old or inaccurate, it will hurt you. Even something small like a typo can cost you the best spots on results pages. All details should be entered manually rather than copied and pasted in. When providing contact information, avoid using toll-free phone numbers and P.O. boxes. Keep it local so that you are found by the right internet users.


Build Your Business’ Reviews & Reputation

Click Now Marketing offers the easiest way to begin building your web reputation. We can conduct customer surveys to learn more about their experiences with your product and service. Find out what they love and make better decisions about how you reach your target audience.

More five-star reviews paired with business directory listings and citations translates to a stronger reputation and better search results page ranking. Contact us today to learn more about building a local SEO strategy that works for your business.